General Conditions
1. Introductory Article
Our company, Sunny Eden, offers items for sale worldwide. With a permanent concern to better meet the requirements of its customers, Sunny Eden wishes to create, alongside the network of stores that it operates, a distance selling service, by telephone or email, of certain of its products.
2. Pricing
Delivery costs and costs of importing the items (foreign taxes and customs duties) are borne by the customer.
3. Payment
A sale is confirmed once the full payment for the diamonds has been received by Sunny Eden.
4. Order Process/Instructions
The customer shall be able, prior to definitively validating their order, to check the details of their order and its total price. Once the customer has validated their order, Sunny Eden acknowledges receipt of the latter without delay and by electronic means. However, the sale shall only be considered valid when the 50% upfront payment has been received.
5. Products
Sunny Eden’s diamonds are all custom-made so all product information, images, or videos on our website are for your reference only. Final products are subject to variance due to different hair materials or customization requirements.
6. Privacy
Any private information you provide when you place an order for Sunny Eden diamonds, including but not limited to your contact details, addresses, names or add-on service requirements, are strictly confidential and will not be shared externally. Please refer to our Privacy Policy on how Sunny Eden collects, uses, and protects personally identifiable information from customers.
7. Inquiries & Contact Information
Sunny Eden is operated at 3500 West Olive Avenue Set. 300 Burbank CA 91505.
If you have any questions regarding your Sunny Eden diamond, please do not hesitate to contact our customer relations department at order@sunnyeden.com or (888) 802 8228. Your inquiries will be answered by the Sunny Eden team within 2 business days.
8. Diamond Certificates
When you order a Sunny Eden diamond, you can optionally purchase the diamond grading report for your diamond from the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) or the International Gemological Institute (IGI). These reports include all details and properties of the diamond you purchase. A surcharge of US$250 (IGI) and US$350 (GIA) applies.
9. Trademarks
Sunny Eden’s logos, taglines, and any other product or service name seen on our website are trademarks of Sunny Eden, and shall not be copied, imitated or used for any profitable or non-profitable purpose, in whole or in part, without the prior express consent from Sunny Eden.
10. Intellectual Properties
Sunny Eden’s website and its entire contents and functionalities (including but not limited to all information, texts, images, videos and audios, and the design, layout, selection and arrangement thereof), and all products, packaging, online and offline promotional materials, sales brochures and flyers are owned by Sunny Eden and are protected by the United States and international copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret and other intellectual property or proprietary rights laws.